Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Journal Personality And Social Psychology - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Journal Personality And Social Psychology? Answer: Introducation Mindfulness is defined by many different authors but the common definition of mindfulness is the state of being aware of the present reality and living in the moment. Dane defined mindfulness as a state of consciousness in which attention is focused on present moment phenomena occurring both internally and externally. There are two approaches to define mindfulness construct, Eastern-This approach is a result of the general agreement among scholars that mindfulness is a state of consciousness that focuses on the present moment in a non-judgmental manner. Hence, the two key aspects of mindfulness here is the attention focus on the moment and the lack of evaluation due to which it is mandatory to accept the present. Western-This approach is an information-processing approach. The key aspect of mindfulness here is drawing novel distinctions. Hence, mindfulness can also be defined as a preferred way of thinking and acts as an interface between personality and cognition or it can be understood as a disposition providing an interface between knowledge and behaviour(King, 2017). Mindfulness and leadership behaviour With the help of structural equation modelling, the authors concluded that leadership self-mastery and leadership organizational-transformation is related to mindfulness. Glomb et al. described benefits of mindfulness in leadership behaviour. He defined some processes and argued that mindfulness is linked to self-regulation by these processes. Few examples of these processes are: Reduced automatic thinking Increased awareness of physical experiences Decoupling of ego to events Mindfulness enhances self-leadership with the help of self-regulation along with emotional intelligence and self-reflection. Mindfulness enhances leadership because mindfulness generates awareness of current information and gives a perception to support real-time decisions. It also enhances psychological well-being and resilience and gives presence to interpersonal relationships(Brown, 2003). Apart from this, mindfulness also reduces stress and hence the brain becomes creative. Hence, mindfulness impacts the leadership behaviour in positive manner(Malinowski, 2015). On basis of this relation between mindfulness and leadership, the authors discovered few hypotheses, Hypothesis 1: Mindfulness will be related to leadership self-mastery. Hypothesis 2: Mindfulness will be related to leadership organizational-transformation. Hypothesis 3: Leadership self-mastery will mediate the influence of mindfulness on leadership organizational-transformation. Hypothesis 4: Organisational tenure duration and role tenure duration influences mindfulness on leadership self-mastery. Hypothesis 5: Organisational tenure duration and role tenure duration also influences mindfulness on leadership organizational-transformation. Organisational implications According to the authors, the organizations choose senior managers because they perform well and hence provide maximum benefits to the organizations. These senior managers provide mindfulness trainings to other employees and enhance leader development. Laloux says that the mindfulness training can be given through an ethical business philosophy. Organizations conduct the mindfulness training and development programs and works with the practitioners, coaches and mindfulness scholars. Before implementing this training and development programs the organizations also seek the current existing programs. The goals of few of the existing programs are to reduce stress and decrease depression at work(Weick, 2006). Few organizations are having mindfulness programs like the Search Inside Yourself program at Google and Finding Space To Lead program at General Mills. These programs comprises of tasks which affects the management and leadership skills in a positive manner. Some authors also argue that it is difficult to put mindfulness programs into practice. References Brown, K. Ryan, R. (2003). The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol.84, no.4, pp.822-848. Malinowski, P. Lim, H. (2015). Mindfulness at Work: Positive Affect, Hope, and Optimism Mediate the Relationship Between Dispositional Mindfulness, Work Engagement, and Well-Being.Mindfulness, vol.6, no.6, pp.1250-1262. King, E. Haar, J. (2017). Mindfulness and job performance: a study of Australian leaders.Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol. 55, no.3, pp.298-319. Weick, K. Sutcliffe, K. (2006). Mindfulness and the Quality of Organizational Attention.Organization Science, vol. 17, no.4, pp.514-524.

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